Estate Giving


Planning a donation as part of your estate strategy can help you minimize taxes while supporting a meaningful cause. Learn how you can create a lasting legacy that supports the future of osteopathic family medicine and preserves osteopathic distinctiveness. 

Women filling out paperwork and showing to partner

About The Legacy Circle Program

The Legacy Circle was established to secure the long-term sustainability of the ACOFP Foundation, ensuring it can continue to advance osteopathic family medicine well into the future.

Supporting the ACOFP Foundation through your estate plans ensures a lasting legacy that empowers the Foundation to continue championing comprehensive osteopathic care for generations to come.

As you plan for your future, consider including the ACOFP Foundation in your long-term goals.

All financial decisions should be discussed with your legal and tax advisors.

Benefits of Joining

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  • Recognition certificate and letter from the Foundation President.
  • Legacy Circle lapel pin and ribbon to wear on your badge at ACOFP events.
  • Recognition on the ACOFP Foundation website.
  • Recognition on permanent wall display at ACOFP Headquarters in Chicago, Illinois.

Ways to Join

Bequeathing personal assets is an admirable way to leave a legacy for osteopathic family medicine. Bequests are most often satisfied with cash and/or marketable securities. A donor should consider designating a specific amount or a percentage of his or her estate. Note that the amount of the gift to the ACOFP Foundation will be deducted from a donor’s gross estate prior to computing federal estate tax.

Sample bequest language:

“I give, devise, and bequeath [X% of my estate or residue] OR [$____ specific dollar amount] to the ACOFP Foundation, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 8501 W. Higgins Rd, Suite 400, Chicago, IL 60631, Tax ID 36-3505805.”

Consider donating an existing life insurance policy to the ACOFP Foundation. Many people have paid-up life insurance policies that no longer require premium payments. A donor may find such a policy is an excellent way to satisfy their charitable desires. A gift of a paid-up policy entitles the donor to an income tax deduction equal to the lesser of either the cash value of the policy or the total premiums paid.

If there are still premiums payable on an existing unneeded life insurance policy, consider naming the ACOFP Foundation as the policy’s beneficiary. Kindly note that life insurance proceeds are generally subject to estate taxes, but life insurance proceeds payable to the ACOFP Foundation are not subject to estate tax.

Many potential donors have accumulated funds in a pension plan, individual retirement account, or other tax-deferred vehicle which are no longer needed for the donor’s or their family’s financial security. Naming the ACOFP Foundation as a beneficiary of retirement plans and IRAs is particularly tax efficient, because:

  • Retirement assets passing to the ACOFP Foundation are not subject to income tax. Retirement assets payable to a donor’s children could be subject to income tax at a rate of 39.6%.
  • Retirement assets passing to the ACOFP Foundation are also not subject to estate tax (at a maximum rate of 40%).
  • It is possible that the income and estate taxes payable on retirement account assets payable to children may exceed 60% of the value of the retirement account.


Hear from our community:

“I have made plans to donate to the Legacy Circle through my life insurance policy. I want to give back to ACOFP, an organization made up of my professional "family": friends and colleagues that I admire, trust, and lean on. They have been there for me throughout my entire career.”

Jeffrey Grove, DO, FACOFP dist.

Pledge Today

Please use this form to share your intent to give or to provide updates on any steps you’ve already taken toward your planned giving to the Foundation.

Questions? Call 847-952-5530 or email ACOFP Foundation staff.

The Legacy Circle

Gold Legacy Circle Members

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Eugene D. Pogorelec, DO, FACOFP dist.

The Legacy Circle Members

ACOFP Foundation is grateful for the generosity of the following Legacy Circle members.


Jeffery S. Grove, DO, FACOFP dist.


James Michael Lally, DO, FACOFP

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Mrs. Gery Namey

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M. Jay Porcelli, DO, FACOFP dist.

Help make a difference

The ACOFP Foundation thanks our donors for supporting the osteopathic family and our continuing growth. Now more than ever, we need your help to ensure the future of osteopathic distinctiveness so that we can positively impact access to high-quality health care for all.